Finn Johannsen is a music nerd in the most positive sense. Being raised in Schleswig-Holstein's provincial capital Kiel, he soon noticed that there is more to life than catboats and sailing regattas. Being infected with music of all kinds, Finn stumbled across dance music during his time in late-80's Hamburg, where he witnessed the hedonism, sinful behaviour and musical bliss of Klaus Stockhausen's legendary 'Front' clubnights at first hand. Hip hop, Chicago house, Italian disco and American boogie were accompanied by techno from Detroit and Sheffields first Warp records. To this day, Finn holds true that 'anything goes' ethic as long as it moves your feet and your heart: Be it as an adept DJ, an editor for one of Germany's most important electronic music magazines De:Bug or together with Stefan Goldmann behind the daring Macro label.
We truly feel blessed to welcome Finn Johannsen to the holy rooms of eden!
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