Although i justed wrote about the last Pearl Flash Party. There`s already a new one coming up next week. The name of the bar itself "Moustache Bar" is quite funny and its located in east London (Stoke Newington) where most of my friends are living. So if you`re around you, come in.
Freitag, 29. August 2008
Donnerstag, 28. August 2008
Pearl Flash (L, UK)
considering that i`m almost a week in london now i felt the urge to post something about the launch party of Pearl Flash, a new party serie of our friends benjamin lau aka "solid gold" and cheech aka cheech, where i was invited to play a short dj-set besides several other companions.
The main act for this night was ANORAAK, a french guy ("he introduced himself to the crowd like that") who performed a really nice life-set. for me his music sounds like an electro-pop ravers fantasy with a certain amount of french naivety. definitively you should check out his website mentioned below. might be too cheesy for some of you ... but i like it. /cheers/
New York No Wave feat. : Implog "Holland Tunnel Dive" (1980)

Implog was a project of Don Christensen and Jody Harris both members of the band "The Contortions" from New York´s short-lived No Wave movement. They had just two releases and this one came out on the american dark electronic/No Wave label Lust/Unlust Music.
"Holland Tunnel Dive" is one of my all-time favourite songs, something between New Wave-Noise-Minimal Synth and at the latest when the Saxophone melody comes in at around four minutes you should feel that brilliant piece of music.
The 12" is quite rare but there are two notable compilations(A Bugged Out Selection By Erol Alkan, New York Noise Vol. 3) which feature this song. Just if you want it on vinyl, if not take it here...
For me the perfect night drive song with my friend markus and his red car through bavarias motorways.
surface 2 air A/W 08 - Amy Tee

great tee with girl surrounded by wolf and bear by international design collective surface 2 air. one of my boys loves this one. guess who?
Mittwoch, 27. August 2008
bleepgeeks dj´s @ decadance open air / 2008-08-30

pocket magazine don senad invited us again to play at the decadance open air. it will be a night full of local dj´s from ulm´s different microscenes playing their favourite tunes.
bleepgeek bear michael and me will serve some balearic-boogie-acid-house and italo tingled tunes trying to create a feel-good atmosphere at the "new on the scene" venue bar royal in neu-ulm.
the amusement will start at 5 o´clock sharp. see you there!
Montag, 25. August 2008
Horse Meat Disco @ Eagle London 22-08-2008
Horse Meat Disco is dedicated to the industry of human happiness and it pumps it out every Sunday at THE EAGLE LONDON (formerly South Central). Its the queer party for everyone; Homos and Heteros, club kids, bears, fashionistas, naturists, guerilla drag queens and ladies who munch ...
That's how Horse Meat Disco is describe on their website. It's a weekly party at the Eagle London, in Vauxhall, south of London, and it's where I went Sunday night.
Vauxhall seems to be the center of the alternative gay culture in London. There are lots of men and lots of clubs around Vauxhall station. Few of them are in railroad arches.
I started heading toward the venue at around 10 pm. For the simple reason that I didn't wanted to be there to early I took up time, took the tube to Kennington and walked to Vauxhall. When I arrived there at 11, at 349 Kennington Lane, an industrial area, there was a queue of 100 meter, all around the place. People in the queue told me, that it is always long, but that at that night it is extraordinary long because of the bank holiday on monday. If you want to go there, leave early, take public transportation straight to Vauxhall station, if you can't or don't want to afford a taxi, and go straight there. It took me two hours to get in.
What can be said about the door policy? That there is none, I guess. The crowd in the queue, 95 percent men, a few ladies and a few people with unidentifiable gender where all let in. The age varied from around 25 to around 45. There was no special style apart form an wide variety of gay styles, queens, fags and bears ... To be honest, most of the styles where pretty boring. It seemed to me, that a lot of them where just meant to fulfill any gay cliche. There where a few interesting looking people, artistic moustaches and quiffs, but all in all, this was not a fashion place.
The venue contained roughly 350 people. It looked like any random disco club. Black walls and a laser show, a big bar as the heart of the place, TV screens, nothing special, and a garden. Not nice, not stylish, just boring.
But the music was amazing. A wide variety of deep disco styles, from funky 70ies to spacey 80ies, pumping ahead. It's the style of the music and how it is consumed at Horse Meat Disco, that makes the thing special. If people listen to disco music in clubs, it's mostly acquired an unsteady way, if they like a song, they go like crazy and if they don't, they just walk away. But here the way the people reacted, reminded me more of techno clubs. They were just dancing further. Disco dancing, less as a postmodern ironic manner to take the piss out of existence, but more as a way of sustained motion.
After one hour I left the place to meet some friends of my friend from Berlin at another party. If you are not gay, don't go there alone. It's a gay place where everybody can go, but it's meant to be for men to meet other men.
Eingestellt von
Jean Bieder
1 Kommentare
Disco Music,
Gay Culture,
Horse Meat Disco,

optimo door policy

the multi-talented jd twitch and jg wilkes(a.k.a optimo) are one of the best dj´s in the world. besides educating dancefloors all over the world they´re running a monthly party series called optimo in glasgow´s sub club.
read their door policy, it makes fun!
"Optimo tries to operate the most egalitarian door policy that we can. Recently this has failed, so as of now we will endeavour to make the following work - if you feel it isn't working, please let us know.
From now on NOBODY skips the queue and we mean nobody (if Henrik Larsson or Madonna come down, tough - they can get in line with everyone else). Everyone trying to skip the queue will be informed that they can't and if we find anyone has found a way to sneak in, we will have them barred. The only exceptions to this rule will be people who work with us, Sub Club staff having a night off and on very rare occasions if we have close friends from out of town who we have invited down - for example my sister comes about once every two years so I'm not going to make her queue, but I will make my girlfriend queue!
Also, if you are on the guest list, this will no longer ensure that you get in. If the club is oversubscribed and you are at the back of the queue but on the guest list - tough - you should have got there earlier.
For us, life isn't a popularity contest so we don't care one iota if this pisses anyone off. The people who will moan about this are the people who we couldn't care less whether they were at the club or not. Just because you have been coming to the club for years does not make you superior to someone who has just discovered Optimo.
Hopefully this will work and won't lapse back to the old ways after a few weeks. Hopefully it will make the club a more enjoyable experience for everyone and we can get on with doing what we love doing most - sloppy djing - and not have half our minds worrying about the queue all the time.
One thing you can all do though - if you are in the queue and people are skipping in in front off you, politely tell them to beat it."
Twitch, Wilkes, Roland & Mac - May 2003
Sonntag, 24. August 2008
black cock edits - dj harvey

dj harvey and his ueber rare black cock records. some buzzwords for you on sunday night.
i´ll keep it short but it will definitely not be my last harvey/black cock related post in here.
for more info look at the harvey link on our music linklist or check the blog in the next few days and months...
as a first example you get harveys edit on silver apples "lovefingers".

sunday night bleeps for you all!
Freitag, 22. August 2008
40 Years of Plastic People of the Universe and the Prague Spring
The Plastic People of the Universe are a band, founded in Prague 1968, one month after the suppression of the Prague Spring. Their activities where strongly repressed by the communist dictatorship. Nonetheless they did an energetic and obscure interpretation of Psychedelic Rock, most likely to compare to Frank Zappa And The Mothers Of Invention or Captain Beefheart And His Magic Band.
Due to the reason that they where good friends with the former regime critic and later president of Czechoslovakia Václav Havel, they accompanied him 1997 for a state visit in the USA, where they played a concert in the White House.
Eingestellt von
Jean Bieder
Psychedelic Rock

Donnerstag, 21. August 2008
Motherland@Scala 22-08-2008
If you are in Berlin on the 22th of August don´t miss our friends Motherland at Scala.
Motherland is an angelo-italo-german trio based in Berlin, an electronic live band, with mikes and keybords.
Just recently they developed an ultra glamorous hybrid of 70ies Disco Music, 80ies Hip Hop and 90ies Rephlex to rock our fading planet.
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Motherland is an angelo-italo-german trio based in Berlin, an electronic live band, with mikes and keybords.
Just recently they developed an ultra glamorous hybrid of 70ies Disco Music, 80ies Hip Hop and 90ies Rephlex to rock our fading planet.
Mittwoch, 20. August 2008
Psychedelic Rock from Turkey #1

Yes, Barış Manço(* 2nd January 1943; † 1st February 1999) helped me discovering turkish music again. From the end of the sixties till mid seventies there was this extremely creative period called "Anatolian Rock" which was a fusion of psychedelic and progressive elements. Our man Barış Manço was one of the originators.
I´ve chosen "Lambaya püf de" from his wide discography. The lyrics. Oh, So good!
"Puff out the lamp, girl, close the curtain"...but it´s not about what you might think, really!
Dienstag, 19. August 2008
complex geometries

great hooded tee by canadian brand complex geometries.
check their homepage for orders and more styles.
Montag, 18. August 2008
2008-08-18 // bei mir daheim
Also am 18. august um 16h rockt bei mir daheim ne geile swingerparty, wer kommen mag, der soll sich anmelden und genügend philosophische literatur mitbringen, vorzugsweise zeugs von sloterdijk, oder auch bißchen kafka.. buttplugs fehlen auch noch ein paar, also wer was beisteuern kann solls tun... Eins zwo eins zwo, test over.
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Sonntag, 17. August 2008
Schwäbische Punkband in Indonesien
Das ist der Trailer zum nicht mehr ganz neuen Film von Andreas Geiger. Ich habe den Film nicht gesehen, sieht aber sehr interessant aus.
Geiger hat auch »Heavy Metal auf dem Lande« gemacht. Dieser Film ist auf jeden Fall sehr empfehlenswert, zumindest wenn man in Laupheim auf die Schule gegangen ist.
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Geiger hat auch »Heavy Metal auf dem Lande« gemacht. Dieser Film ist auf jeden Fall sehr empfehlenswert, zumindest wenn man in Laupheim auf die Schule gegangen ist.
Freitag, 15. August 2008
Damit dieser Blogg nicht zum Discoblog verkommt wird hier gleich mal mit den Kidz In The Hall und Driving Down The Block dagegen gesteuert !!! Also Track besorgen, ins Auto und ab auf die Straße. Von diesem Track gibt es auch noch einen guten Remix mit The Cool Kids, Pusha T (Clipse) und Bun B - alles erhältlich auf dem aktuellen Album The In Crowd. Ach ja, auf der Albumversion von Driving Down The Block ist auch noch Master Ace dabei, der mit seinem 1994 veröffentlichten Hit Born To Roll wohl das Monopol auf BA$$$ im Auto hat.
Weiter lege ich dem Rapinteressierten Bathgate nahe, der mit Pockets Full Of Money gerade meinen persöhnlichen Ohrwurm geliefert hat. Auch sehr empfehlenswert ist der Mann mit dem schönen Namen Izza Kizza, dessen neues Mixtape man "4free" runter laden kann!!!
Hier bräuchts vielleicht eine art kalender/veranstaltungs widget oder so! Kennt da einer was praktisches, bzw. schon mal einer google calendar ausprobiert, in verbindung mit z.B. einem feed davon, den man dann leicht einbinden kann? Dann sollte man noch analytics installieren: fänd ich jedenfalls interessant!
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Gregory Jacobsen
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