
Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010
B.R.D. - Body Rhythm Dance
You maybe think B.R.D. means Bundesrepublik Deutschland. That is only half the truth. B.R.D. means also Body Rhythm Dance! This nice Sampler was made in 1989, showing some productions out of German bedroom-studios. Published by ROUGH TRADE. Most important: the text on the back-cover! :-)

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Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010
Redd's and the Boys - Hitt'n And Holding Live
Eingestellt von
Mr. Lovebug
Hitt'n And Holding Live,
Redd's and the Boys

Permanent Vacation @ bleepgeeks
Wow! We had a great weekend with our friends Tom Bioly and Benjamin Fröhlich from Permanent Vacation Records. They came over for a weekend visit in Ulm, we had a lot of good food and they played a great set at our bleepgeeks night. Their music was ranging from contemporary House, Permanent Vacation Classics to obscure Disco Edits and caused super cool fun on the dancefloor! We were so happy, the people were happy and they were happy too! Everyone was just happy!
Oh, and the Permanent Vacation bosses, as nice as they are, didn't forget to bring some gifts for us lucky bleepgeeks. Here's a random selection of what came in at the bleepgeeks headquarter!

The new Hard Ton Ep with a lot of Acid Madness in it!

Tensnake's Coma Cat Ep which is already a Neo-Boogie, Neo-Disco, Neo-Whatever Classic!

The Mabonda Ep by Roots Unit which i immediately dropped at the warm up for Tom and Benjamin!

This is the Tshirt of a new Project called Spectacle conducted by the two munich residents Muallem and Benjamin Röder. The Record will come out in March for public pleasures!
A big cheer for Permanent Vacation!!!
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Oh, and the Permanent Vacation bosses, as nice as they are, didn't forget to bring some gifts for us lucky bleepgeeks. Here's a random selection of what came in at the bleepgeeks headquarter!

The new Hard Ton Ep with a lot of Acid Madness in it!

Tensnake's Coma Cat Ep which is already a Neo-Boogie, Neo-Disco, Neo-Whatever Classic!

The Mabonda Ep by Roots Unit which i immediately dropped at the warm up for Tom and Benjamin!

This is the Tshirt of a new Project called Spectacle conducted by the two munich residents Muallem and Benjamin Röder. The Record will come out in March for public pleasures!
A big cheer for Permanent Vacation!!!
Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2010
Question of today: Who's Fäth!?

I'm not joking, but i saw this box at Scube's flat. I was wondering to whom it may belong. He couldn't give me an answer.... Is it possibly from "Väth", simply written in a wrong way? And why did he leave it here? Were there precious records in it? Very mysterious. Quick answers and ideas required, please!!!
Wood Wood Nelin dress
Cluster - Marzipan (1974)

A very delicate earcandy called "Marzipan" by the german Krautrock wonders Cluster. The whole "Zuckerzeit" Lp is really great to listen to and makes me ride through time and space on moody nights and cloudy mornings each time.
Founded by Dieter Moebius and Hans-Joachim Roedelius in the heydays of the so-called Krautrock period, Cluster is still operating today which makes this astonishing project even more astonishing. Oh and that cover, it just whet's your appetite for more! Grab this!
Cluster - Marzipan
FACT mix by Space Dimension Controller

Everyone who heard me playing records in the last few months probably heard me playing the debut single of Space Dimension Controller. His record "The Love Quadrant" never left my recordbag since its purchase so i was really delighted to see that this 19 years old kid from Belfast has done a dj mix for british fact magazine.
Brought to you together with a nice and insightful interview, the mix is weaved really well with his own productions, early electro jams and some well known chicago and detroit classics! On top of it you get some craftily deployed dub and delay effects by Jack Hamill a.k.a. Space Dimension Controller himself! Have fun while listening the mix and reading the interview! This guy is definitely one to watch out in 2010!
Space Dimension Controller - Fact Mix
Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010
Innovation - Now that i know
"Now that i know" is a german production by a combo called Innovation. Recorded and mixed at Unicorn Studios by Thomas Krause, released on Sasch Music out of Griesheim. You may ask why it's necessary to post this, and i have some reasons for it. First of all i like the cover of the combo with the mustachioed men on it. How lovely they stick together in the back-cover; it makes a warm an intimate feeling... Well, and the main reason are the vocals. It's obvious this track couldn't land a hit... But, anyhow there's a really HIT-APPEALING female voice (from Sybille), and a great arrangement. In my opinion the sounding is quite british-related although it's german. And, very important: Worked on Atari with Steinberg 24!
Montag, 22. Februar 2010
# Small Talk : Lonestar Rec.

Ulm’s Bestand an eigenen Plattenlabels gleicht einer Wüste, möchte man meinen. Doch ganz so ist es nicht. Kurz vor den Toren der Stadt, am bayerischen Fuß gelegen, gibt es eine fruchtige Oase, an der sich zwei Cowboys niedergelassen haben: Harry Balls & Yodel. Diese suchen von dort aus im staubigen Rock’n’Roll nach neuem Stoff für den Plattenteller. Gibt’s einen entsprechenden Fund, wird dieser auf „lonestar rec.“ eingegossen. Bisher können sie auf stolze Vinylproduktionen zurückblicken… Ich habe einmal bei Harry vorbeigeschaut, um dem Treiben ein wenig näher zu kommen. Aber Vorsicht, er ist stets mit „coolness“ bewaffnet...
Yiiiha! Grüße Dich Cowboy…!
1. Sorry, wenn ich Dich in deiner Hängematte störe, aber kam es dazu, dass Ihr Jungs ein
R&R-Label, „vinyl only“, in der heutigen Zeit aus dem Boden schießen lasst? Seid Ihr verrückt geworden oder habt Ihr zuviel Goldbarren? Oder habt Ihr doch Knarren!?
Guten Tag ersma. OK, gegründet haben wir das Label 2002. Damals spielte ich noch in einer Kapelle, die ich aber kurze Zeit später verließ. Der Plan war eigentlich irgendwann eigene Musik zu veröffentlichen. Um den Namen des Labels erst einmal ein wenig in Szene zu setzen, brauchte ich erst mal – wie sagt man so schön – einige „Zugpferde“, sprich Bands, die veröffentlichungswillig waren und sich natürlich dann auch auf %-Deals ließen.
Vinyl sammle ich seit dem Erscheinen von Michael Jacksons „Bad“, seitdem bin ich leidenschaftlicher Sammler. Gerade in letzter Zeit scheint ja die Pladde wieder etwas im Aufwind zu sein. Ich hoffe dieser Trend setzt sich fort. Unabhängig davon, dass die Scheibe viel schöner aussieht, kann man ganz einfach den Vergleich machen und lässt kurz hintereinander einen Song von CD und den Turntables laufen… Ich bin kein Warmer, aber auf warmen Sound stehe ich schon.
Gut noch ein paar Sätze zur Finanzierung: Vinyl ist sicherlich viel teurer in der Produktion als eine CD oder DVD, zu Recht, wie ich finde. Dennoch kommt das Geld irgendwie wieder zurück bei einer 500er Auflage. Singles sind natürlich schwer zu finanzieren in solch Kleinstauflagen. Da kommt ein Stück auf knapp 2€.
2. Wie verläuft der Weg vom Fund zum gegossenen Vinyl, wenn Ihr heißen Stoff gefunden habt? Wer darf/soll davon Wind bekommen? Wie komme ich an das Zeugs? Wie seid ihr da überhaupt rangekommen? Ist es altes oder neues Material?
Uns gefällt zum Beispiel ein Künstler/eine Band und dann treten wir in Kontakt. Nach zig E-Mails halten wir dann die Songs in Händen und machen uns ans Artwork, worauf das gesamte Paket ans Presswerk schicken. Ca. 3 Wochen Später haben wir die fertigen Scheiben dann auf einer Europalette vor dem Haus stehen. Dann sende ich ein paar E-Mails an unsere Vertriebe und an Mailorders heraus, diese bestellen dann wiederum bei uns eine bestimmte Stückzahl und schon wird das „Produkt“ angeboten.
Das Material ist teils alt/teils neu. Teilweise veröffentlichen wir bereits erschienene CDs auf Vinyl, aber wir machen auch komplette Exklusivveröffentlichungen.
3. Ein Disco-Indianer aus der Neuzeit kommt vorbei und bietet Euch eine musikalische Friedenspfeife an um sich bei euch einzuschleimen? Wie reagiert Ihr?
Wir nehmen artig an. Uns hat ja bisher keiner was getan.
4. Ihr werdet von einer Horde Banditen heimgesucht, welche den kompletten Lonestar Rec. Backstock klauen. Was passiert?
Wir fangen an zu weinen. Nein, ernsthaft: Ich hoffe wirklich, dass ich zumindest von jedem Release eine Kopie in meinem Plattenschrank stehen habe. Einige Releases erzielen bei ebay schon respektable Preise.
5. Habt Ihr neben diesem Irrsinn noch irgendwelche Hobbies? Ihr müsst doch was essen!
Lesen, Basteln, Sportschau schauen.
Fürs Essen arbeiten wir. Aber das ist ja kein Hobby.
6. Wo kann man euch treffen, wenn Ihr Euch mal für einen kurzen Trip in den Stadtsaloon begebt? Lehrt ihr einem das Fürchten oder seid Ihr doch die Pantoffelhelden in Strapsen?
Ich bin in Ulm mal hier, mal da unterwegs, finde es aber Schade, dass die meisten Bands Ulm aussparen. Ist aber auch klar, die Stadt ist einfach zu klein dafür. Yodel lebt und arbeitet als Grafikdesigner in Augsburg. Ihm geht es also auch nicht viel besser. Manchmal treffen wir uns in München oder Stuttgart…
7. Bei welchem musikalischen „Erguss“ habt Ihr euch leider total verbrannt? Welches Release schlug ein wie TNT?
Hmm total verbrannt? Ich will jetzt im Nachhinein nichts schlechtreden, aber den ein oder anderen Release würden wir heute vielleicht nicht mehr veröffentlichen, denn man muss beinahe die komplette Auflage unters Volk bringen, um mit Null rauszulaufen.
Am besten verkaufte sich bisher eine 10“ der Band Zeke. Die war in 3 Wochen (bei einer Auflage von 666 Stück) komplett ausverkauft. Kein großes Wunder, nahmen die doch bereits Songs mit Eddie Vedder auf und tourten mit Motörhead und Iron Maiden.
8. 2008 ist bei euch eine Single des Alt-„Pornomusic“-Meisters Blowfly erschienen, finde dazu aber kein Morsezeichen im World-Wide-Wäck. Was ist passiert? Ist eine Postkutsche mit der Ladung überfallen worden? Oder wart Ihr zulange in der Hängematte? Und vor allem, seid Ihr an den schrägen Vogel geraten?
Du hast Recht, im letzten Jahr haben wir uns etwas auf die ruhige Haut gelegt, dennoch sind die meisten Kopien der Blowfly 7“ verkauft. Ich denke so ca. 50 Stück liegen hier noch herum.
Der Kontakt kam über einen Freund aus San Francisco zustande, der mit weiteren Freunden Siebdruckposter herstellt.
Der gute Freund kommt ursprünglich, wie Blowfly, aus Miami, Florida. Er kennt den Blowfly-Drummer und so wurde der Kontakt hergestellt.
Blowfly hab ich dann vor 2 Jahren auch 2 Tage hintereinander bei Konzerten getroffen, doch muss ich auch sagen, dass der gute Mann schon ziemlich im Arsch ist. Stellte mich bei ihm beide Tage neu vor, das musste ich auch, er konnte sich schließlich nicht mehr an den Vortag erinnern. Das tat ich natürlich beide Male mit demselben Witz, er lachte sich 2 Mal heftigst den Arsch ab.
Vielleicht sollte ich mal ins Altersheim zum Witze erzählen. Könnte man jeden Abend mit dem gleichen Programm vor dem gleichen Publikum „abräumen“.
9. Was wäre euer Release-Traum für das Jahr 2010?
Der erste Release im neuen Jahr wird die Debut LP der kalifornischen Bellrays sein. Darüber freue ich mich ganz besonders, hat die Sängerin doch unter anderem auch schon den Grammy gewonnen.
Dann folgt hoffentlich noch eine 10“ mit King Khan. Mündlich ist die Scheibe schon seit Jahren abgesprochen, aber bei Khan weiß man ja nie…
10. Ich möchte von daheim aus mehr von Lonestar Rec. erleben. Wo begebe ich mich hin?
Ok danke erstmal Harry, ich muss weiter, ein dicker Windsturm kommt. Bis irgendwann mal wieder in diesem Theater! Viel Glück und Spaß bei der weiteren Suche nach Rock’n’Gold! PENG PENG!
Bitte. Bitte. Jedoch sind wir eigentlich nicht so festgefahren auf R&R. Eher R&B, Punk & Soul. Egal. Mach’s gut!
Ach ja, und hier noch ein kleiner Musikschnipsel aus der Blowfly-Single "Hole Man"
Ihr habt's gehört, "only a few copies left, SO GRAB WHILE YOU CAN!"
Eingestellt von
Mr. Lovebug
El Bolas,
Harry Balls,
Lonestar Rec.,

Black/Gold clip on sunglasses by Spitfire
Freitag, 19. Februar 2010
Fats Comet - Eat the Beat
Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2010
Jah Wobble, The Edge, Holger Czukay - Snake Charmer (Reprise)

A very strong and dubbed out leftfield production by three legends called by the names Jah Wobble, David Howell Ewans a.k.a. The Edge and Holger Czukay. This is a cut out of the Snake Charmer Lp which is a favourite of mine now for years. You say three legends aren't enough? There is another one who has a finger in the pie. You can hear Francois Kevorkian on the Linn Drums! Go Bang!
Jah Wobble, The Edge, Holger Czukay - Snake Charmer (Reprise)
Eingestellt von
Jah Wobble,
Snake Charmer

VINYL – Guy Schraenen’s New Exhibition in Paris @ La Maison Rouge
For all you Vinyl addicts out there in Paris and the rest of the world. British curator and publisher Guy Schraenen will show a display of his collection of almost 800 albums, cassettes, CDs, specialist magazines, reference books, catalogues and artworks from the 1920s onwards.

Here is an excerpt of the press release:
From February 19th to May 16th 2010, la maison rouge presents Vinyl, an exhibition of records and covers compiled by the British collector, publisher and curator Guy Schraenen. For more than 30 years, Guy Schraenen’s fascination with artists’ multiples (objects, catalogues, books, magazines) has led him to amass a unique and highly specialized collection on the theme of sound. Vinyl shows LPs from an acoustic and visual angle to illustrate how artists from the 1920s and throughout the twentieth century have experimented with language and sound. The exhibition presents close to 800 albums alongside tapes, CDs, specialist magazines, reference books, catalogues and artworks. As artists began to work with sound, and as records and covers became media for the visual arts, a new and extremely creative art form appeared...
more info in french at the la maison rouge website here!
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Here is an excerpt of the press release:
From February 19th to May 16th 2010, la maison rouge presents Vinyl, an exhibition of records and covers compiled by the British collector, publisher and curator Guy Schraenen. For more than 30 years, Guy Schraenen’s fascination with artists’ multiples (objects, catalogues, books, magazines) has led him to amass a unique and highly specialized collection on the theme of sound. Vinyl shows LPs from an acoustic and visual angle to illustrate how artists from the 1920s and throughout the twentieth century have experimented with language and sound. The exhibition presents close to 800 albums alongside tapes, CDs, specialist magazines, reference books, catalogues and artworks. As artists began to work with sound, and as records and covers became media for the visual arts, a new and extremely creative art form appeared...
more info in french at the la maison rouge website here!
Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2010
David Boydell - City Music
Some things can make you happy so easily... like this nice disco music in the mood of the Bee Gees!
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Low budget glance press picture
Made in summer 1977 after a gig in the east of Leipzig. There was a very cute girl next to us who insisted in getting on the picture as well, but all she got was a fantastic kiss and the most polite "maybe next time" statement. The three bleepgeeks in full move!
Erste Liga Club Munich
Ok guys, this ain't a real secret and unknown underground place anymore, i know, but nevertheless it's really worth to be mentioned. And maybe some of you cats never stepped down the stairs at the entry, but hey, you should. At least once.
Lodged in a basement of a building in the heart of the Glockenbach neighbourhood and surrounded by a number of other clubs and bars, Erste Liga still seems to be the spot to go for, considering that my first ever attendance there was already a few years ago.
So what makes this place special? Is it only the crowd, the advantageous location, the music, the decent soundsystem, the resident dj's, the public relations or is it just a temporary hype thing?
As far as i can see it's a balanced mixture of everything listed above which makes the recipe for success. Happily we were invited to play a dj set there recently, as this is the best way to form an opinion, as a guest and as a dj/musician.
My brother Mike and me arrived there right after midnight walking down the stairs and seeing the first people having good times at the bar and some other guys making their first moves on the illuminated dancefloor. The music was already pumping in a pleasant tempo and to store our several tons weighing record bags was a real benefit. After having my first soft drink for zero, the first Ulm travellers came in and we had a real nice chat about denim pants and sweet umbrellas.
The resident dj Benjamin Röder tightened up the music and i immediately felt my body falling in a dance mood. More and more people came in. Downtown hipsters, backcountry noses, fashion graduates, hags, old rabbits and other interesting not interesting characters began to crowd the dancefloor and we started shortly after 2 am to work the decks.
We throwed more than 3 hours of wild bleepgeeked music selections on the floor and the night had its lows and highs. Deep basslines with souled vocals didn't work that well on the soundsystem but machine kickdrums with italoflavoured synths were thankfully accepted by both, the people and the stereo equipment. Playing on a rotary based mixer made a lot of fun to us and the night was making me happy.
Just to sum up my impressions: Very good resident dj's, quality international bookings from disco infected house to house infected disco and Ed Bangerish exaggerations, mass ads through social networks, comfortable interior decoration colours, Erste Liga fans, wannabes, deep basses, high price drinks and mostly nice bouncers come to mind when recalling the night...
Even if a lot of votes try to draw the curtain over Erste Liga Club, i still remain the same as several years ago. This club is worth visiting and worth walking on a pile of shards. Some of you know what i'm talking about, hahah!
GLXY and Tell your Taxidriver Erste Liga are the nights i would highly recommend!
Get a view of the agenda here!


You can see the heart of the club on the picture above. The illuminated dancefloor that makes you feel like in the late 70ies.

Dienstag, 16. Februar 2010
Sasha Brown - Nature Cries
Somewhere in Hamburg, Germany in the end of the 80's. All experiences from this decade flow together in a very nice boogie-track called "Nature Cries", produced by Sasha Brown. Text and Music by Sasha Brown. Mixed at Brunwey Studio by Manfred. Released on SWB-Music. One thing is not clear to me. Why is there a female voice in the foreground when the project itself implies to be "male"? Confusing. What has the guy on the cover to do with all of that? Is he "Sasha Brown"? Or is he one of the male backround singer? Or is he a unknown guy looking nicely into the camera? Why isn' t there a picture of the female singer, what's her name?? Please give me a sign if you know more about it!
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Three Records to go for!!!
Our heading "Three Records to go for!!!" is meant to highlight you some records, mostly newer ones, that turned out into the bleepgeeks music radar through utterly coincidences, well researched record hunts or any other fortunate circumstances. The stuff we introduce can be dance music, comedy, non-dance music, originals, reissues, bootlegs or limited pieces, we don't separate!
In some cases we just liked the Cover of that Record, sometimes we made a mispurchase and sometimes our mandibles came off because of the music which was carved into the rills!
We won't do any reviews, puffing these records up to holy grails or slam them into wax garbage!
It's just made for you to (hopefully) discover new music and new sleeves! We wish you a lot of fun while finding these records at your local record shop on the snowbounded streets or in your world wide virtual reality through clicking on to your favourite record stop!
Vinyl, we love you lock, stock and barrell!

Baris K - Disco Hammam Ep

Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead

Roska - TWC EP
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In some cases we just liked the Cover of that Record, sometimes we made a mispurchase and sometimes our mandibles came off because of the music which was carved into the rills!
We won't do any reviews, puffing these records up to holy grails or slam them into wax garbage!
It's just made for you to (hopefully) discover new music and new sleeves! We wish you a lot of fun while finding these records at your local record shop on the snowbounded streets or in your world wide virtual reality through clicking on to your favourite record stop!
Vinyl, we love you lock, stock and barrell!

Baris K - Disco Hammam Ep

Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead

Roska - TWC EP
Red Bull Music Academy Video Lecture with Leroy Burgess
I've been waiting for this for so long to pop up again at the Music Academy website. It's there again, it's heart-warming, it's breathtaking and first of all, it's so emotional!
One of my true musical heroes talking about how it all started, how it all evolved and how he made all these beautiful records!
Take a good look!
Endgames - Ecstasy (Centurion Mix)

Record Hunters hunt for this, Collectors consider this as a Collectors item, Balearic Dj's call this a classic and experienced Clubbers just dance to this! The Centurion Mix of Ecstasy by Endgames in its full glory for you to yell for!!!
Endgames - Ecstasy(Centurion Mix)
Montag, 15. Februar 2010
Samstag, 13. Februar 2010
............... ▲ ʕ ▲ ...............
Egypt, Egypt ... A very good friend (ned) is moving to egypt for a year to teach at the university of kairo ... So his farewell party will be in munich next thursday and random bleepgeeks djs (serdar dogan, julian garreis, martin schubert) will have the trumpets sing and the bells ring ...
Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2010
Bleepgeeks featuring Permanent Vacation, 20th feb. 2010 @ eden-ulm.de
Its official:
BleepGeeks are going on permanent vacation ...
but just for one night :-)
On the 20th feb. 2010, Benjamin Fröhlich and Tom Bioly from Permanent Vacation Records Munich are playing in our resident venue eden-ulm.de .
Great Times and Good Weather can be foreseen ...
fötös - fotos - f*t*s
this is just a short post in honor to our contributors of photographs for our flyers.
i guess you allready are aware that we got a lot of the from marc hörger and florian wild .
our latest flyer has an amazing shot from pedros ramos . i really wanted to get the whole thing into the flyer, but only a certain crop made it. that`s why its posted here in all its beauty. enjoy and go permanent vacation ...
Ten City - Devotion (Bam Bam's House Mix)

An emotional House blueprint by Ten City with Chicago's very own Bam Bam on mixing duties. The beautiful voice of Byron Stingily puts the soul in this gem and makes it highly essential! A real treat!
Montag, 1. Februar 2010
You Sleep - I Bleep MIXED#01 (by Martin Schubert)
You Sleep - I Bleep MIXED#01 by bleepgeeks
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You Sleep - I Bleep MIXED#01 by bleepgeeks
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