Samstag, 12. März 2011

Black History #1: Outline

This is the first of a series of posts containing reflections on the history of Black America and the way we make and listen to music. Its aim is a deeper understanding of the music we love be it "authentic" Black American music or be it music that is allegedly influenced by or even arisen from it. This also contains the aim to challenge the mindset that assumes that the history of music must be thought as a set of unilinear narratives, as a progression from genius to genius. In practice history is a complex, now and then self-referential web of social, cultural and physical powers unfolding in space and time - narratives are part of it - and the same is true for the history of music.

The first reflection is rather trivial and far away from the "real" history of Black America: Was "Italo" really rooted in or inspired by American Disco-Music more than in the most blatant sense? I think the song S.K.P. - Sound of Chicago almost speaks for itself. It's conflicting. On the one hand it expresses the wish to be connected to America and it's urban cultures, on the other hand it conveys an idea of the US filled cliches.
Thanks to!

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