Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

Innovation - Now that i know

"Now that i know" is a german production by a combo called Innovation. Recorded and mixed at Unicorn Studios by Thomas Krause, released on Sasch Music out of Griesheim. You may ask why it's necessary to post this, and i have some reasons for it. First of all i like the cover of the combo with the mustachioed men on it. How lovely they stick together in the back-cover; it makes a warm an intimate feeling... Well, and the main reason are the vocals. It's obvious this track couldn't land a hit... But, anyhow there's a really HIT-APPEALING female voice (from Sybille), and a great arrangement. In my opinion the sounding is quite british-related although it's german. And, very important: Worked on Atari with Steinberg 24!

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